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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Clicking on Twitter Could Lead to Rogue Anti-Virus Software

One of the famous micro-blogging site is attached by popular "for-profit" attack. In the weekend Twitter users recieved messages with the phrase " The Best Video"and a link to a Russian domain. those people who link to the links are directed to a site with the videos, covertly a connection is made to another server that will result in a malicious PDF being downloaded.

With downloading loading these malicious PDF's the twitter users start receiving warning that their system is infected and to be cleaned using a specific security software. The motive of these fake messages is to try to make to people to pay money for that antivirus software. User continuously get the fake messages for the purchase of the useless license for that antivirus software .

The PDF file that was downloaded contain attack code from "LuckySploit" .A new multi-strike hacker toolkit that uses malicious JavaScript, Said Schouwenberg. The particular unwanted application involved in this Twitter attack is called "System Security."

"This attack is very significant," claims Schouwenberg. "It would seem that at least one criminal group is now exploring the distribution of for-profit on Twitter. If the trends we've seen on other social platforms are any indicator for Twitter then we can only expect an increase in attacks."

Twitter officials confirmed this incident, suspended the compromised attacks and cleaned up the offending messages. A statement has also been released that "No personal information was compromised as a result of this attack." However, the sad thing to note here is that due to the fact that the essence of Twitter is to click on links, its users may expect more, even stronger malicious attacks. Therefore, it's extremely important to be cautious and to use appropriate and up-to-date anti-virus software.

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